
When doctors start their training to become specialist GPs (urban or rural) or rural hospital doctors, they become members of The Royal ΢ҕl. Each year our members pay a subscription fee, which gives them several membership benefits.

A collective sense of purpose

Our members have a shared sense of purpose and experiences and an unspoken understanding of the situations they encounter daily. This shared collegiality and networking is most often played out in our Chapters and Faculties where members meet locally, or online, for socialising and education.

The ΢ҕlalso facilitates peer groups for GPs and rural hospital doctors who are professionally interested in similar topics.

Our members also have the chance to develop their leadership skills by being representatives on the National Advisory Council, applying to become the Board Apprentice, or being nominated to the Board.

Ongoing learning

Supporting your learning 
Fellows have access to Te Whanake, the College’s CPD programme, which lets them log their learning to comply with the for medical practitioners. Our in-house team supports members with their learning requirements.

McGraw Hill including John Murtagh’s General Practice Collection
The ΢ҕlgives free access to the international publishing company McGraw Hill for Fellows and registrars. You will have full access to the AccessMedicine catalogue and the John Murtagh’s General Practice Collection as part of your ΢ҕlmembership.  Members can claim one CME credit per learning hour. (΢ҕllogin required).

LinkedIn Learning
All members have free access to and can claim one CME credit per learning hour. Please and a member of the ΢ҕlteam will be in touch to get you started.

CME Events 
Faculties (and other organisations) facilitate Continuing Medical Education (CME) events on a regular basis at a local level. These also provide an opportunity to network with peers.

Dr Josh Furmin GPEP year 1 in 2021
Dr Josh Furmin is a registrar and part of the Rural GP Chapter, DRHM, and Te Akoranga a Māui.

Clear, topical information and research

The latest news and clinical advice to your inbox
Our communications team pulls together, and streamlines, the latest clinical advice, news, thinking, and information from the industry and sends it to members as ePulse, our weekly newsletter. Only members can access this newsletter, although you can apply to be added to our stakeholder's version of the newsletter.

We profile members and cover topics like sector views, clinical opinions, equity, and rural issues in our monthly member magazine, GP Voice.

Clear information about legislative changes that affect clinical work 
When the Government introduces new rules it can affect how our members do their jobs. Our Policy, Advocacy, and Insights team work to provide resources for members on topics like telehealth, tobacco, and euthanasia. Those can be found in Our Voice.

The ΢ҕlwrites position statements to guide what we think about key issues and develops resources for members like our guides on Self Care, General Practice Ownership, and Greening General Practice.

The chance to talk directly to decision makers 
Using our reputation, we help our members get in front of decision makers through events like webinars. They’re always free for members who can get real-time information and give feedback and ask questions to people like the Director-General of Health, or international health experts.

Journal of Primary Health Care (JPHC)
Receive the latest issue of the College’s peer-reviewed quarterly journal in your inbox. The Journal is free and open access and shares the latest primary healthcare research for GPs, practice nurses, community pharmacists and other primary health care practitioners. JPHC is indexed in the MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL databases. or .

Professor David Tipene-Leach
Professor David Tipene-Leach speaks at GP21.

Contribution to a stronger, shared voice

All ΢ҕlmembers have the chance to contribute their ideas and experiences to our responses to Government submissions and raise issues with the ΢ҕlthat they want to advocate for. Members have a chance to contribute to the work of the ΢ҕlthrough the Workforce Survey, the development of position statements, and by working on projects like telehealth, climate change, and understanding burnout.

Member’s subscriptions also help fund the role of the ΢ҕlpresident and medical director who are the voice of the profession to other organisations, government agencies, and through the media work they do.

Your wellbeing and care 

Supporting your wellness and mental health
All ΢ҕlregistrars and Fellows can use free, confidential where you can access clinical psychologists, budget and financial advisors, legal advisors, and other professionals.

Counselling and support by GPs for members
The ΢ҕlhas developed a list of GPs offering specialist counselling for their GP and rural hospital doctor colleagues. These services are not funded by the ΢ҕlbut we’re happy to share contact details if you email

Dr Justine Lancaster and Dr Aimee Norman
Dr Justine Lancaster (left) and Dr Aimee Norman speak to their colleagues about wellbeing.


Membership Discount App
We partner with to deliver discounts from well-known brands.

Discounts on McGraw-Hill Medical Books
Receive a 20 percent discount off and free shipping in New Zealand for orders over $40.

Best pricing at New Zealand Office Supplies
Access exclusive member-only pricing, special offers and free delivery with (was New Zealand Office Supplies).

Savings at Millenium Hotels and Resorts
Enjoy 20 percent off at all Millennium Hotels and Resort in New Zealand.

New Zealand Doctor subscription deals 
New Zealand Doctor is a medical news publication providing up-to-date news in print and online, aimed primarily at GPs and primary care. Registrars enrolled in the General Practice Education Programme  receive a complimentary print and online subscription to the publication (valued at more than $210 + GST), and Fellows receive a discounted subscription rate. Visit the to subscribe.

CSIRO Publishing 
΢ҕlmembers receive 20 percent off books ordered through .

Discounts on advertising jobs
Members enjoy discounted rates on listing job ads on the ΢ҕlwebsite. The member rate is $75 whereas non-members pay $320.

Cheaper rates to attend the ΢ҕlconference
΢ҕlmembers belong to Faculties and Chapters that often promote attendance at the College’s conference through discounts and cheaper rates for their members.

Dr Roimata Herman-Sila
Dr Roimata Herman-Sila graduated at the 2022 Fellowship Ceremony in Ōtautahi, Christchurch