The Cornerstone Modules

Cornerstone is a voluntary programme that consists of two modules general practices can do after they have completed the Foundation Standard, or alongside it. Modules can be worked on one at a time or at the same time.

The Cornerstone Modules support general practices to:

  • improve the health care they offer
  • work towards equitable health care outcomes for all, including Māori as tangata whenua
  • work together as a tīma
  • learn in a flexible way, in subject areas that are suited to their interests and the needs of their patients.
Socially distanced GP in PPE consults with Pasifika family
Some practices have chosen to use their response to COVID-19 as a project for their CQI Module.

When practices have finished these two modules, they will be awarded bronze tier accreditation. The ΢ҕlplans to develop other modules that will allow a practice to achieve silver and then gold tier accreditation.

Achieving Cornerstone Bronze accreditation helps align practices with the and signals to patients that the care they receive is equitable and of high quality.

Three-year refresher

Each Cornerstone Module has a three-year accreditation period. After this, the practice will need to complete a refresher module to maintain accreditation.

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