Keynote speakers for GP23: The Conference for General Practice

10 May 2023

Category: ΢ÃÜÒ•îland members


We¡¯re looking forward to hosting GP23: The Conference for General Practice in T¨¡maki Makaurau Auckland, 21 ¨C 23 July. We¡¯ve got a great line up of . Our theme is Connecting: hauora, courage, and togetherness. These are the keynote speakers who will bring this to life.

Dame Valerie Adams, DNZM OLY
Dame Valerie is undoubtedly the most dominant track and field star New Zealand has ever produced. Her major wins included back-to-back Olympic gold at the Beijing 2008 and London 2012 Olympic Games, and four world championship titles.

Dame Karen Poutasi, DNZM
Dame Karen has a distinguished career in the public sector. She has made significant contributions to health and education, including serving as Director-General of Health and Chief Executive of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. She is currently on the Board of Te Whatu Ora and chairs Taumata Arowai - the Water Services Regulator.

Professor Sir Peter Gluckman, ONZ KNZM FRSNZ FMedSci FRS
Sir Peter is a trained pediatrician and biomedical scientist. He has published over 700 scientific papers in perinatal and developmental physiology, neuroscience and endocrinology, evolutionary biology and medicine.

Dr Kerryn Lum ÁÖ¼ÎÁ«
Kerryn is a specialist GP from Napier and is the College's Censor in Chief. Born in Aotearoa, Kerryn is a third generation Kiwi and part of the 93rd generation of the Lum family who originated in Canton, China.

Helen Robinson
Helen leads Auckland City Mission to strive and advocate for a nation where wealth and opportunity are redistributed so that there is enough for everyone. Helen has been with the Mission for more than a decade in a range of leadership roles.

Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall
Ayesha is an infectious diseases doctor and Minister of Health. She is passionate about preventing illness so that every New Zealander can enjoy good health and live a free and full life.