
Everything we do at the ΢ҕlseeks to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequities. Part of that work is extending support and manaakitanga to Māori members at all stages of their GP or rural hospital medicine careers.

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini

My strength is not that of a single warrior but that of many

Māori GPEP year 1 registrars

Dr Maia Melbourne-Wilcox (Tūhoe) is the College’s Pou Whirinaki. She offers clinical and pastoral support to Māori registrars studying GPEP year one and oversees the development of the curriculum. Registrars can contact Maia by emailing Pou.Whirinaki@rnzcgp.org.nz

Dr Maia Melbourne-Wilcox
Dr Maia Melbourne-Wilcox (Tūhoe) (pictured right) is the College’s Pou Whirinaki. Here she is with ΢ҕlPresident Dr Samantha Murton receiving the President's Service Medal for her service to Māori during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Māori GPEP year 2 and 3 registrars

Year two and three registrars can be assigned a visiting Māori medical educator to offer clinical and pastoral support. Registrars are welcome to opt out of this if they do not require this type of support. Registrars can email gpep2@rnzcgp.org.nz to ask for a Māori medical educator to be assigned to them.

Become a part of Te Akoranga a Māui

All Māori registrars joining the ΢ҕlare invited to be part of our growing rōpū by joining Te Akoranga a Māui, our Māori GP representative group.

If you identify as Māori you will automatically join Te Akoranga a Māui when you join the College. However, you can also opt out or opt in at any time by emailing membership@rnzcgp.org.nz

Read more about Te Akoranga a Māui.

The ΢ҕlEquity Team

The Equity team are responsible for the implementation of the College’s Māori Strategy, Equity Position Statement and specific health equity provisions for Pasifika. They are led by Tumuaki Māori and Head of Equity [recruitment underway August 2023]. Functions of the equity team include:

  • Providing expertise and advice on Māori cultural protocols and processes.
  • Providing advice and expertise on Māori and health equity across the College’s work programmes.
  • Reviewing ΢ҕldocuments with a Māori and health equity lens.
  • Embedding Māori and health equity into the College’s work programmes.
  • Providing leadership and advocacy across the primary health sector to achieve equitable health outcomes for Māori.
  • Being involved in Te Ahunga, the College’s orientation for GPEP year 1 registrars.
  • Supporting the Pasifika Chapter, the Rural GP Chapter, the Division of Rural Hospital Medicine and engagement with Te Akoranga a Māui.