Quality Programme fees

Practices pay fees for The Foundation Standard and Cornerstone modules.

The Foundation Standard

Foundation Standard licence fee (excluding GST)


The annual fee for practices with The Foundation Standard

CQI Module

CQI Module (excluding GST)


Payment to purchase the CQI Module - part of our Quality Programmes

Te Mana Taurite | Equity module

Te Mana Taurite | Equity module (excluding GST)


Payment to purchase the CQI Module - part of our Quality Programmes

Multi-practice discount 

The ΢ҕlis also offering a 20% discount on Cornerstone modules for multiple practices.

Purchases for multiple practices must be made in one transaction or all purchased at one time. If the purchase has already been made, the ΢ҕlcannot apply the discount retrospectively.

If you are purchasing Cornerstone modules for multiple practices, please download and complete the multi-practice discount order form.

Once you have filled in the required details email this form to quality@rnzcgp.org.nz

Kōpara practices

He iti te Kōpara kai te rērere ana i runga i te puhi o te kahika.
Although the bellbird is small, it flies to the crown of the white pine.

The ΢ҕlrecognises that small practices serving vulnerable populations need support. Those practices that:

  • have a very small, enrolled patient population, and
  • are classified as rural, as categorised by the College, or
  • are classified as high needs, as categorised by the College,

are Kōpara practices, and they qualify for a 50 percent subsidy on the annual Foundation Standard fee.


Assessor fees

Practices also need to pay a fee to their assessor who will review, and then recommend, that the ΢ҕlendorses their mahi.

All assessors set their own fees, so practices kōrero directly with them. Search the assessor directory.