Foundation Standard changes

The following updates have recently been added to Foundation Standard 2022.

Update 30 May 2024

  • 12.2: Removed "audit to check compliance against the policy". The recommended audit check in the NZ Standard 4304:2002 is no longer available, so removed as a requirement in the Health Care Waste policy.

Update 30 May 2024

  • 13.3: It is recommended that practices remain on the 2017 Adverse Events Policy until the ΢ҕlsignals a new date to transition from the 2017 to the 2023 Adverse Events Reporting Policy. The ΢ҕlcontinues to work with HQSC on applying this policy to general practice. (changed from: Practices have until July 2024 to transition from the 2017 to the 2023 Adverse Events Reporting Policy.)

Update 30 May 2024

  • 13.3: It is recommended that practices remain on the 2017 Adverse Events Policy until the ΢ҕlsignals a new date to transition from the 2017 to the 2023 Adverse Events Reporting Policy. The ΢ҕlcontinues to work with HQSC on applying this policy to general practice. (changed from: Practices have until July 2024 to transition from the 2017 to the 2023 Adverse Events Reporting Policy.)

3 April 2023

  • 2.1 Added updated IT checklist
  • 13.1 Added information on Incidents/accidents and near misses
  • 15.1: Added information to clarify training requirement

9 January 2023

  • 2.1 The Privacy Act: Amended the guidance regarding privacy training for those who completed the training prior to December 2020
  • 2.2: Enrolling patients: Added MoH Enrolment requirements for contracted providers and PHO’s v 4.0
  • 9.1 Repeat prescribing: Added resources a sample template for repeat prescribing audits
  • 15.2: Added information on presenting evidence of Annual practicing certificates (APCs) electronically rather than uploading documents.

21 December 2022

  • 4.1 Diversity: Added Mauri Ora training resource
  • 9.3: Removed audit example from the Medicines Reconciliation Policy. NB Auditing is still a requirement but the auditing example was incorrect.

6 October 2022

11.1: Medical equipment and medicines

  • 11.1: Information added on purchasing an approved AED
  • 11.1 Resources added: FDA approved AEDS and recommended NZ suppliers selling and renting AEDs 

15.1: Requirements under the Children's Act 2014

  • Information added under the training heading regarding the training requirements for child protection.
  • A resource on requirements of the Children’s Act 2014, has been added. 

12 August 2022

  • 1.1: Training resource added to the guidance
  • 3.1: Added information for practices on how to collaborate with Māori health providers and manu whenua.
  • 4.1: Resources on gender diversity added to the guidance resources
  • 8.1: Equity Champion sample role description added to the guidance resources
  • 13.2 Added to the guidance under the heading ‘Inventory of hazardous substance:
    • The first 2 bullet points in the evidence requirements have been condensed to this:
    • An inventory of hazardous substances in your workplace, including substance type, quantity and location and associated data safety sheets. 


  • Information is  included on the Training requirements page  on how to simplify uploading the training documents and certificated for large practices.
  • Induction training information has been moved nearer to the top of the page

15 July 2022

13.2:The practice complies with the Hazardous Substances Regulations 2017

  • added links to 13.2 on Hazardous Substances 
  • The heading has been changed from 'inventory and register of hazardous substances' to 'inventory of hazardous substance
  • last paragraph under that heading has been changed from 'once you have identified the hazardous substances in the practice, these should be organised in either an electronic or hard copy register and available to team members' to 'NB: The hazardous substances, such as detergents, not required to be entered into the inventory due to their grading, should be entered into the practice’s hazards and risks register.'

13 July 2022

13.2 The practice complies with the Hazardous Substances Regulations 2017.

  • The change: The first 2 bullet points in the evidence section have been combined. 
  • From this:
    • An inventory of all the hazardous substances at your workplace.
    • A register of hazardous substances in your workplace, including substance type, quantity and location and associated data safety sheets.
  • To this: 
    • An inventory of all the hazardous substances at your workplace, including substance type, quantity and location and associated data safety sheets. 

30 June 2022

  • added link to free download for  AS/NZS: 3003:2018 to 11.6
  • added link to free download for NZS 8134:2021 to 12.1
  • added link to purchase standard and more information in guidance to 12.1 relating to sterilisation processes
  • added  link to free download for NZS 4304:2002  to 12.2

20 June 2022

13.4: Safe and accessible site

The practice site is required to be safe and accessible for team members and patients. It is the business owner’s responsibility to ensure all legislative requirements and patients’ rights are complied with. Compliance with legislative requirements includes meeting

Building Code requirements and the Fire and Emergency NZ (Fire Safety Evacuation Procedures and Evacuation Schemes) Regulations 2018.

Practices are particularly encouraged to ensure they are compliant with Building Code access requirements and have, as far as is practical, provided mobility parks and accessible toilets.